
We help you ensure that the women in tech in your organization thrive.

We help you understand how women experience daily work life. Then working together
we define interventions to help disrupt bias, improve practices, and build team cohesion.


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Recruiting women is not enough if they do not stay. Retention depends on women’s daily experience with their teams, co-workers, and managers. Do they experience the work-life conditions in the @Work Experience Framework? Do they know what to do to be successful? Do they feel a part of a dynamic team up to something that matters? 

Karen Holtzblatt

Founder, WITops

Talks & Presentation Services

Organizational Awareness Talks

All talks are 60-90 minutes and may be delivered in person or remotely.

  • Introduction to the @Work Experience Framework
    Obtain an understanding of how your organization can better support women and a diverse work force
  • Build Success for new hires through Team Onboarding
    Learn about The Team Onboarding Checklist
  • The Valuing And Jerk Project: Create a more valuing culture
    Learn the 6 most important valuing behaviors and the 6 worst jerk behaviors through introducing our valuing and jerk character posters.
  • The Critique Process
    Gain insight into organizational critique processes & learn the best way to give project work feedback

Workshop Services

Interactive & Facilitated Workshops

For any talk, add a 1-3 hour workshop for 10-25 people.

Workshops may be run with individual teams or representatives from across the organizations.We work with you to define who will participate which helps us tailor the exercises to your needs. Workshops include:

  • Introductory Talk
  • Exercise, Experience Sharing, & Dialogue
  • Identify Changes & Alterations
  • Commit to a change


Need a Personalized Solution?
We Can Help

Let us design a custom service to help you understand your needs or improve the daily work experience for women and all team members.

Examples (and more) include:

  • Understand the experience of your diverse teams
    Using Contextual Design Techniques we interview selected women or teams with an eye toward the factors in the @Work Experience Framework. We deliver the data a a workshop to help you brainstorm solutions.
  • Team Onboarding
    Coaching to help you adopt The Team  Onboarding Checklist tuned to your organization. Add some data collection to assess your new hire experience.
  • Assess what processes to redesign
    We lead your team to use our Analysis Matrix to help you identify the current state of and ways to improve key processes like Scrum, design meetings, critiques and more. Together we create a Plan of Action to ensure all members of diverse teams are heard and can succeed.
  • Management consulting
    Work with Karen to gain feedback and perspective on how you manage and support members of your diverse teams.

Let us know how we can help!

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